News Releases 2021
Paris, 10 January 2021
A letter to Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux from Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations, Simon Wiesenthal Centre, noted that, “We have learned that your municipality is creating a programme to contain antisemitism and Nazism. At first glance, we were delighted to see that you have chosen the UEJF (Union of Jewish Students of France) as a principal partner.”
The letter continued, “To our dismay, you have selected a totally inappropriate group, the UJFP, that is arguably part of the problem.”
An Open Letter to Emmanuel Macron, President of France
By Shimon Samuels
Paris, 6 January 2021
Mr. President,
You recently called Islam “a religion in crisis.” You also shut down mosques allegedly frequented by extremists, as centres emanating a hate that encouraged a wave of violence and terrorism.
Your policy was met by anger and anti-French boycott demonstrations across the Muslim world, reminiscent of just such an eruption in response to the Charlie Hebdo Mohammed caricatures.