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Paris, 4 November 2011

Next Tuesday, an "Iranian Business Women" congress will be held at the Berlin Campus Hotel, to garner German-Iran transactions. The gathering is organized by EIEVENT (European-Iranian Ventures), together with the German Federal Assocation of Mid-Tier Businesses (BVMW), whose Board members includes politicians from the governing coalition FDP and the opposition SPD and Greens.

"For Iranian business women to be honoured in Germany - while their sisters in Iran are humiliated, silenced, repressed and stoned - is a slap at human rights", exclaimed Dr.Shimon Samuels, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Director for International Relations. 

He continued, "now Iranian women are to be used as a pretext even on German soil". "Any German political representative attending this Fair, will be violating the sanctions regimes against Iran established by Germany, the European Union, the United States and the United Nations", added Samuels.

The Centre urged "both governing and opposition parties to call on their officials to condemn and boycott this travesty."